Hurling dumper trucks at AWOL robots with your super strength puffing back a broad chest and burning criminals with laser vision swinging from lamp posts to fly-kick felons with a lettuce-tearing crunch bringing justice and freedom to the streets of Gotham, New York and the wider universe: this is the stuff of boyish dreams. But Justice League Heroes – which draws its playable character roster from the likes of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, and The Flash – is a reminder that these iconic comic book protagonists are the real deal. Indeed, since everyone we play as in games, from Pac-Man to Tony Hawk, demonstrates super human characteristics, when an actual superhero-themed game comes along, it's easy to be a little underwhelmed. Likewise, Lara Croft manages to 'rescue' artifacts from the nastiest of tombs, servicing the world's museums and providing young girls everywhere with the reassurance that heroic feats of archeology and a double D-cup bra aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Mario might hide his lamp under a sink, but underneath those plumbing overalls his squat frame houses super-human skills, the likes of which any princess-rescuer would be proud.