Blue plastic army men

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Packed in plastic bag with header card and recommended for ages 5 and up. LITTLE GREEN ARMY MEN have even been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. It was broadcast primarily from BBC Television Centre in London until September 2011, when the programme moved to dock10 studios at MediaCityUK in.

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It is the longest-running childrens TV show in the world, having been broadcast since October 1958. These are real plastic heroes, meant to be set up, knocked down, picked up and played with for years to come. Blue Peter is a British childrens television magazine programme created by John Hunter Blair. The manufacturer has even restored the vintage TIM MEE TOYS logo that hasn't been seen on the shelves for decades. Originally produced by PROCESSED PLASTIC COMPANY (Tim Mee's parent company) around 1968, these figures were probably the first to depict US infantry troops of the Middle Cold War era with contemporary equipment that included M16 A1 rifles and an experimental Stoner 63A light machine gun. Made from slightly flexible LDPE plastic with medium detail and very little flashing. BMC Classic PLASTIC ARMY MEN CAMP EQUIPMENT - Tan 10pc Tents and Guns - Made in USA Regular price 13.40 13. Figures stand up to 2.1 inches tall (52mm) and are approximately 1:35 scale. Plastic Blue Army Men - Toys - 144 PiecesBig Bag of Blue Army Men.

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There's about 12 different figures and all your old favorites are here, including minesweeper, bazookaman, radio operator, 60mm mortar, light machine gunner, kneeling rifleman, flame thrower, crawling rifleman, prone rifleman, bayonet fighter, and officer with binoculars and handgun. This bag of 96 Tim Mee PLASTIC ARMY MEN is proudly manufactured in the United States, and includes 48 cyan blue and 48 rust brown troops for maximum play value.